Mar 31, 2017
The Health Ranger explains how the mass poisoning of human minds with toxic heavy metals found in vaccines will lead to the COLLAPSE and DOWNFALL of society.
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Mar 31, 2017
The Health Ranger predicts a massive vaccine false flag is now imminent as the vaccine industry attempts to use biological weapons to spread fear and panic that promotes more vaccine profits.
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Mar 31, 2017
In this shocking podcast, the Health Ranger reveals how a brand of breakfast cereal paralyzes and damages children... sort of. It's actually a metaphor for something else that's happening that's damaging children all across our globe.
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Mar 30, 2017
To protect women and children from the toxic, tyrannical vaccine
industry, we should have VACCINE SANCTUARY CITIES, "safe space"
zones where children can escape the medical violence and "medical
rape" of the vaccine industry.
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Mar 30, 2017
In the same way that antibiotics have given rise to deadly superbugs, vaccines may also give rise to widespread pandemic outbreaks that kill millions of people.
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