Jun 27, 2017
The Health Ranger explains why blind faith in a tech-driven society is a fool's journey, since small snippets of computer code can bring society to its knees in mere minutes.
Learn more at http://Computing.news and http://Cyberwar.news
Mar 1, 2017
If you're using any products or services provided by Google, you're being stalked and surveilled without your knowledge. Wake up and learn the truth!
Stay informed at http://Censored.news, and use http://GoodGopher.com as your news search engine.
Apr 14, 2016
* Most people fail to realize that personal robots will be used to SPY on you for the government.
* While robots are carrying out your hosehold chores, they will be video recording every object in your home (including firearms) and uploading this data to their corporate masters (Google).
* Everything your helper robot...
Apr 12, 2016
Robotic vehicles might sound cool and convenient, but in reality that will crush all individual freedom and usher in an era of police state totalitarianism across society.
Imagine owning a vehicle that can be tracked and taken over by government at any moment...
Imagine riding in a vehicle that can be taken over by...
Feb 24, 2016
Rush Limbaugh is completely full of crap in his discussion of iPhones, encryption and the FBI. He now claims that because the FBI can't crack the encryption on a locked iPhone, therefore the government cannot spy on your cell phone texts, calls or location.
Is Rush delusional? Or just wildly ignorant of reality?